The evaluation of RPR
The Council requires doctors to take part in regular practice review (RPR) as part of their continuing professional development.
As with any programme, it's important to make sure it works properly. In 2014 Council commissioned the research and evaluation specialists, Malatest International, to evaluate the RPR programme, and determine whether it's working as intended and what is being achieved.
RPR is a quality improvement process. Its primary purpose is to help maintain and improve the standards of the medical profession by helping individual doctors identify aspects of their performance that could be improved, thereby benefiting both their own professional development and the quality of care their patients receive. RPR has been implemented through the bpacnz inpractice programme since July 2013.
In 2014 the Council commissioned the research and evaluation specialists Malatest International, to evaluate the RPR programme in order to determine whether the programme is working as intended and what is being achieved. Malatest International began their evaluations of RPR in July 2014, and conduct their evaluations in the middle and at the end of each year.
These RPR evaluations ascertain whether:
- RPR helps individual doctors identify areas of strength in their practice, and areas that could be improved
- doctors act on the RPR report, and make any necessary changes
- RPR helps assure Council that competence and fitness to practice is being maintained
- RPR has any impact on the quality of care being delivered to patients
- RPR has any impact on indicators that suggest improved clinical outcomes.
The evaluation findings are based on self-reported changes from the reviewed doctors, taken from surveys and interviews. Data is collected at two points in time: 2 weeks after the RPR, and 12 months after the RPR.
Evaluation of Council's RPR programme by Malatest International - mid year report for 2018
Evaluation of Council's RPR programme by Malatest International - end of year report for 2017
Summary of the Malatest evaluation of the regular practice review (RPR) programme for 2017.
Malatest Evaluation of the RPR Programme: mid-year 2017
Evaluation of Council's RPR programme by Malatest International - end of year report for 2016
Evaluation of Council's RPR programme by Malatest International - mid year report for 2016
Evaluation of Council's RPR programme by Malatest International - end of year report for 2015
Evaluation of Council's RPR programme by Malatest International - mid year report for 2015
Evaluation of Council's RPR programme by Malatest International - Interim report to November 2014
Malatest Evaluation of the RPR Programme - end of year 2014