Professional development forms

This page contains forms relating to recertification and professional development.

Collegial relationship

  • CPD1

    The purpose of this agreement is to set out the terms of reference for the collegial relationship and clarify the objectives and
    responsibilities of each colleague.

  • CPD2

    if you're in a collegial relationship you should use this form to keep a record of the meetings you have with your colleague.

  • CPD3

    If you're in a collegial relationship, you should use this form to record the details of any audits of your medical practice.

  • CPD4

    If you're in a collegial relationship, you should use this form to keep a record of the CME activities you complete. If you are audited by Council, you will be asked to provide this information.

  • CPD5

    If you're in a collegial relationship, you should use this form to keep a record of any peer review you do. If your practice is audited, you will be asked to provide this information.

  • CPD6

    If you're in a collegial relationship, you should use this form to record any optional activities you complete - that is, activities that are not specifically required.

CPD Associate: Exempt from collegial relationship

  • CPD1b - CPD Associate agreement

    The purpose of the CPD Associate agreement are to assist you in maintaining safe and competent practice, and to clarify your responsibilities as well as those of the CPD associate.

Training Registrar

Please also read our Recertification and continuing professional development booklet.

  • CPD7 - Training Registrar

    Complete this form to confirm you are enrolled and actively participating in an approved recertification programme.

  • All doctors practising in New Zealand must recertify through a New Zealand-based recertification programme.. This booklet outlines the recertification programme requirements as they apply to doctors who are registered and practising in New Zealand.