Useful links

This page contains useful links to District Health Boards (DHBs), websites that will be of interest to doctors, Primary Health Organisations (PHOs), doctors' organisations, government departments and agencies, New Zealand regulatory bodies, overseas regulatory bodies. and schools of medicine.

Primary Health Organisations

Primary health organisations (PHOs) are funded by district health boards to support the provision of essential primary health care services

New Zealand health professional regulatory bodies

The Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act 2003 (HPCAA) established independent regulatory authorites to register and monitor all health practitioners, including doctors.

There are 16 health professional regulation bodies established under the HPCAA . The Medical Council, is one of the bodies, the others are listed below:

Kiwi Health Jobs

Kiwi Health Jobs is owned and supported by the 20 District Health Boards and the New Zealand Blood Service and provides a one-stop-shop if you are looking for a job in New Zealand's public health sector.