Related agencies & organisations
This section provides links to other agencies and organisations that work in the same areas as we do.
District health boards (DHB) fund and provide health services in their region of New Zealand.
PHOs provide primary health services either directly or through contracted providers. The services provided aim to improve and maintain the health of the enrolled PHO population, ensuring that general practice services are connected with other health services to ensure a seamless continuum of care.
Find out more about organisations that represent doctors
The following Government departments and agencies oversee the delivery of health care to New Zealanders.
We regulate doctors in New Zealand, but other medical professions will have their own regulatory authority. There are 16 health professional regulation bodies established under the HPCAA including ourselves.
List of overseas regulatory and educational bodies that we interact with regularly.
List of schools of medicine in New Zealand
Kiwi Health Jobs is owned and supported by the 20 District Health Boards and the New Zealand Blood Service and provides a one-stop-shop if you are looking for a job in New Zealand's public health sector.